EPals is an online site that allows individuals to collaborate and work together globally. My favorite piece of this interactive site is the "1n2Books" portion. Here, students are engaged in ementoring with adult pen pals. Students and adults read a novel and discuss the main points via epals. Students are given the opportunity to read quality literature outside the classroom. They are also provided with the chance to discuss their reading with an interested adult. It seems to me that students will be more likely to react to literature when they do not feel like they are being judged. Inside the classroom, students tend to be so focused on giving the "right" answer, they do not get the chance to become really involved in the literature. I think this is an excellent way to encourage students to become life long readers. They are given the opportunity to see how literature is used in everyday life. Furthermore, students are required to read and respond to literature. They begin to think about their reading as it relates to their lives by making text to text and text to self connections.
As an educator in an inner-city, another great benefit of this program, that is not necessarily educational, would be the exposure to a caring, consistent adult. Too often, children do not benefit from adult influence and providing them with an adult pen pal would certainly benefit them in more ways than one.
In this blog, you will find information and ideas about the internet and ESL classrooms.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Another Digital Story
Animoto is an online video creator that can be used in the classroom in a variety of ways. Online stories can be used for student practice, to make announcements, or to share a classroom experience. I like the idea of using online media to share an event with the class. I think it would be a great way to remember a field trip or special occasion inside the classroom.
Check out the video I created.
Check out the video I created.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Creating a Predictable Book.
I choose to use Bookr to create a predictable book as an example of how I might use digital storytelling in my classroom. Second language learners are often asked to read books with repetition in order to gain a better understanding of sight words, or those that occur often in a language. I made a simple, predictable story that would be most suitable for young children. They could see this as an example and be encouraged to make a story of their own.
Check it out!
Cats and Dogs by Laura Zielinski
Check it out!
Cats and Dogs by Laura Zielinski
Digital Storytelling
Digital storytelling is an excellent way to expand language use outside of the classroom. According to The Center for Digital Storytelling, digital stories are short, video narratives that include music, images, sounds, and voice. These can be teacher made or student made. For example, an educator can make a digital story as a way to review vocabulary. This way, according to Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling, students are provided with a model to "practice in active learning" outside the classroom. Students can also be the creators of digital stories in order to practice their L2 speaking skills. This type of learning would be especially useful for those students who are visual and auditory learners.
As part of an ESL classroom, digital storytelling could be used in a variety of ways. One example, cited in Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling, describes how digital storytelling could provide review and practice for L2 students. Educators can make a story that revolves around newly introduced grammar or vocabulary and students could be required to practice at home or independently inside the classroom. It is another way for teachers to influence their students' learning, even if they are not directly working together. I also like the idea of having students create their own digital stories. This way, they are not only provided with the opportunity to review grammar and vocabulary, but they are also given the chance to share their own unique short stories and practice speaking in their target language.

Monday, October 17, 2011
Micro blogging
In education, it seems like micro blogging presents unlimited possibilities for use in the classroom. Micro blogs can provide a forum for students to ask questions outside the classroom, for teachers to post announcements, and even for students to follow relevant professionals. And that is just the beginning! Some classrooms are totally paperless, which is absolutely amazing. I like the idea of students following professionals on micro blogs. I think it gives students a chance to keep tabs on the current happenings in a particular field of interest. For more ideas, check out 28 Creative Ways Teachers are Using Twitter or Teacher Paperless.
My concern with using this kind of social media in the classroom is how easily it could get out of hand. In an unsupervised environment, children could easily take advantage. No matter how often we talk to students about the importance of internet safety, there still seems to be way too many cases of inappropriate use of the internet. Any suggestions?

My concern with using this kind of social media in the classroom is how easily it could get out of hand. In an unsupervised environment, children could easily take advantage. No matter how often we talk to students about the importance of internet safety, there still seems to be way too many cases of inappropriate use of the internet. Any suggestions?

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Social Networking
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Stay Connected |
As Alan Levine discusses in New Media Consortium, keeping up with all the new technology is literally impossible. Since technology can change in an instant, it is important that educators stay connected. Social networking is a great way to keep up with the constant evolution of education. We can then ask questions and stay updated on current research and findings. As someone who is primarily interested in early childhood education, I hoped to find a social networking site that could provide me with resources and ideas to enhance my knowledge in the education of young children. The Early Childhood Exchange is an online community that does just that. Members discuss ideas and trends in EC. Check it out!
A Teacher Today
We can get news in an instant. With the invention of the internet and social media, we have the ability to stay up to date on literally everything. Instead of waiting for a day to read about it in the paper, we are immediately exposed to new knowledge and information with just the click of a mouse. It is amazing. As George Siemens explains, in Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age , learners have the ability today to learn for tomorrow. This is why it is so important for teacher's to make learning meaningful. As educators, the thing to remember is that all the new information students learn effects the information that they already know. Learning is a social experience. When students are actively engaged with their environment, they are gaining knowledge. The transfer of knowledge from one person to another is a part of being immersed in the world around us. According to The Changing Nature of Knowledge, learners form connections, and knowledge is no longer "exclusively in individual minds." We will learn more when we can not only connect our knowledge with our own experiences, but also with the experiences of other's.
A learner's unique interactions with the environment around them will influence their understanding. Connectivism thinks of this in reverse. Siemens states that "the ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical," meaning that new information will change the way we previously thought. Our world is constantly changing and learners need to alter the way they behave based on the tools and people around them. This is why I would consider a teacher today to be like rain. We can provide the basic necessities that students need to grow, but the actual learning takes place as the students interact and change with the environment around them.
A learner's unique interactions with the environment around them will influence their understanding. Connectivism thinks of this in reverse. Siemens states that "the ability to recognize when new information alters the landscape based on decisions made yesterday is also critical," meaning that new information will change the way we previously thought. Our world is constantly changing and learners need to alter the way they behave based on the tools and people around them. This is why I would consider a teacher today to be like rain. We can provide the basic necessities that students need to grow, but the actual learning takes place as the students interact and change with the environment around them.
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Plants need rain, but most of their growth occurs in the way they interact with the world around them |
Monday, September 26, 2011
History and international affairs
I'm a huge believer in the importance of history and current events in education. I spent most of my undergraduate work studying international affairs and hope that my interest in the world will be passed on to the students that I teach. While browsing through my favorite blogs, I came across the Palmer Language Blog. This particular blog is focused on the study of language and how linguistics is applied to education. In the Linguistic Injustice Rant, the blogger discusses the Spanish language and it's role in the United States and world as a whole. I was immediately interested in the blog not only because I happen to agree that Spanish speaking countries often play "second fiddle" to the Middle East and Africa, but also because the relationship between the U.S. and these countries in the Western Hemisphere was formed over 200 years ago. Historically, European countries were told not to meddle in the West, and it seems that the tradition has continued well into the 21st century. The United States seems to have gotten a little sidetracked from their role in Central and South America because of the many other problems they are trying to fix throughout the world.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Feeling "Braver" about a digital classroom
After reading chapter 1 in Robert Blake's A Brave New Digital Classroom: Technology Focus and Foreign Language Learning, I am beginning to feel more at ease with the increasing amount of technology available for use in the classroom. My fear stems from the idea that perhaps technology will "take over" and the traditional classroom (and I know all traditional methods are not necessarily good ones) will become obsolete. Blake addresses this issue, which I'm sure is shared by many others, when he states that technology can be successful, but it "depends on how it is used in the curriculum," (2). Following the communicative goal of second language acquisition, the teacher remains the facilitator and technology is the response "to what practitioners understand or believe to be true about SLA," (11). In other words, technology use should be driven by second language principles, like negotiation, collaborative learning, and peer interaction. Technology, when used appropriately, should enhance the learning environment, not detract from it.
Learning a second language is an interactive process, and as Blake says, the Internet it "preferred tool" of communication (5). Teenagers aren't the only ones who rely on technology. As a working adult, I cannot imagine what I would do without email. To think if I had to call everyone I correspond with, instead of just typing out a quick note... In this light, the Internet in a L2 classroom (or anywhere) facilitates peer interactions and collaborative learning. While it certainly should not be the only method of communication in the classroom, the Internet provides the opportunity to really enhance student contact with their target language.
Learning a second language is an interactive process, and as Blake says, the Internet it "preferred tool" of communication (5). Teenagers aren't the only ones who rely on technology. As a working adult, I cannot imagine what I would do without email. To think if I had to call everyone I correspond with, instead of just typing out a quick note... In this light, the Internet in a L2 classroom (or anywhere) facilitates peer interactions and collaborative learning. While it certainly should not be the only method of communication in the classroom, the Internet provides the opportunity to really enhance student contact with their target language.
Friday, September 16, 2011
21st Century Classrooms
It's true that the internet plays a vital role in the lives of the students we teach. Watch Pay Attention or A Vision of K-12 Students Today and the influence of technology becomes even more obvious. Technology provides another means for children to transfer knowledge into something meaningful. It is the 21st Century and our students ARE 21st Century learners. They spend more time gaming, on the computer, watching television, and using Ipods than they do reading. This makes me a little sad, actually.
The technology is amazing, and not only do students understand it, they are deeply motivated by it. Of course, we need to meet our students where they are. Technology provides teachers with the opportunity to do this anytime, anyplace. But, is there a point when it becomes too much? Is there a point when 21st Century learners no longer need to learn the way we old folks did in the 20th Century? Sure, students can learn about ecosystems around the world by instant messaging or skyping with people from other cities and countries. They can take virtual tours of environments that they may never see. They can watch video of animals in their natural habitat. But the best way to experience their own ecosystem is by exploring their own backyard. Technology can and should be used to enhance learning and experiences, but should not replace interactions with the world around us.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Blogging and the Classroom
Using blogs as part of the classroom curriculum creates a motivating and collaborative tool for learning and mentoring. Blogs can provide students with an extra chance to practice reading and writing, share their thoughts and ideas, and communicate with their classmates.
Blogs provide an excellent form of communication between teachers, students, and parents. They can be used to keep students and parents informed of what is going on inside the classroom. Teachers can post assignments, reminders, permission slips, and instructional tips for students and parents to read on their own time. Parents can get verification on certain aspects of the classroom environment without having to go in for a conference.
Blogs are also a great way for students to interact with one another outside of the classroom walls. Teachers can create a "homework help" forum, where students can post questions to problems. Students can become peer mentors by giving advice to those who may need it. Blogs also provide a way for students to reflect on their questions. Inside the classroom, there can be pressure to say the right thing, in the right way, quickly. When students are blogging, they are given the opportunity to sit back and really think about what it is they would like to say.
Blogs can give students another arena in which to practice their reading and writing skills. A blog is much more informal than most types of classroom writing, so students are provided with the chance to get really creative. Students can use a blog as a book review forum, where they can discuss thoughts and ideas about a story they are reading in class. Or, students can follow their favorite sports team or television show and write their opinion on the most recent game or episode. Students can relate their ideas in a safe, relaxed setting and really write about things that are important to them.
NYS ESL standards addressed when blogging:
contemporary, and includes works representing a variety of cultures.
Blogs provide an excellent form of communication between teachers, students, and parents. They can be used to keep students and parents informed of what is going on inside the classroom. Teachers can post assignments, reminders, permission slips, and instructional tips for students and parents to read on their own time. Parents can get verification on certain aspects of the classroom environment without having to go in for a conference.
Blogs are also a great way for students to interact with one another outside of the classroom walls. Teachers can create a "homework help" forum, where students can post questions to problems. Students can become peer mentors by giving advice to those who may need it. Blogs also provide a way for students to reflect on their questions. Inside the classroom, there can be pressure to say the right thing, in the right way, quickly. When students are blogging, they are given the opportunity to sit back and really think about what it is they would like to say.
Blogs can give students another arena in which to practice their reading and writing skills. A blog is much more informal than most types of classroom writing, so students are provided with the chance to get really creative. Students can use a blog as a book review forum, where they can discuss thoughts and ideas about a story they are reading in class. Or, students can follow their favorite sports team or television show and write their opinion on the most recent game or episode. Students can relate their ideas in a safe, relaxed setting and really write about things that are important to them.
NYS ESL standards addressed when blogging:
Standard 1: English for information and understanding refers to the competencies and knowledge
of English that students must obtain in order to communicate effectively in social and academic settings.
Standard 2: English for literary response, enjoyment, and expression requires that students develop the
knowledge and skills in English to read and understand rich literature that ranges from classical to
Standard 4: English for social and classroom interaction outlines strategies, both in and out of school,
that LEP/ELLs must master to communicate effectively in English.
Internet Safety
It's amazing how much the internet has changed education. What used to take hours to find in a library, we can now find in about 0.09 seconds. While the internet is an outstanding resource, it can also be pretty dangerous. When allowing children and students to use the internet, it important to really communicate with them about how to remain safe. Create a classroom or home environment where children are comfortable. Have children share their favorite sites and discover what they know about being online. Create your own rules and make sure children are aware of what these are.
Being on the internet is just like being in public, so the same safety rules should apply. For instance:
For more information and resources, check out netsmartz.org.
Being on the internet is just like being in public, so the same safety rules should apply. For instance:
- Keep your identity private. NEVER give personal information like your address, phone number, or last name. In short, do not post what you would not want to share with everyone you know.
- Only open emails from people you know.
- Keep online meetings online. It is not a good idea to meet up with anyone you met online first.
- Respect the rights of others online. If you feel like someone is not being respectful to you, save the information and report it to a trusted adult.
- If you ever feel uncomfortable about something that happens online, talk to someone.
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